Our Lady of Wisdom Italo-Greek Byzantine Catholic Church

            Sunday Bulletin - FEBRUARY 24, 2024



CONFESSION is offered before and after all Services (no confession around “Jesus Prayer”); Saturday at 3:30pm and after Liturgy, Sunday starting 10:00am and at 2:00pm. To set up an alternative time for Confession or spiritual direction, please email Fr. Nathan at fradams@ephx.org.


Saturday, February 24th

10:00am Temple Cleaning

4:00pm Great Vespers 2nd Sunday of the Great Fast *

5:00pm Divine Liturgy

Intention: Albert and Allen Families  

Sunday, February 25th 2nd Sunday of the Great Fast*

9:00am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The Field

9:30am Festal Matins

10:30am Divine Liturgy  (Basil)

Intention: Adams Family   

Potluck following Liturgy

1:00pm Mystagogia

Monday, February 26th

6:00am    Jesus Prayer   

Tuesday, February 27th

6:00am    Jesus Prayer   

12:00pm 6th Hour

3:15pm Evening Prayer

Wednesday, February 28th

6:00am    Jesus Prayer   

11:40am 6th Hour

12:00pm Helpers of St. Nicholas Homeless Ministry

6:30pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Intention: Arnot, Atkin and Lynott Families

Thursday, February 29th

3:15pm Evening Prayer

Friday, March 1st

12:00pm 6th Hour

4:30pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Intention: Davis and Decker Families  

Saturday, March 2nd

4:00pm Great Vespers - 3rd Sunday of the Great Fast – Veneration of the Cross

5:00pm Divine Liturgy

Intention: Bistrek and Campbell Families

Sunday, March 3rd - 3rd Sunday of the Great Fast –

Veneration of the Cross

9:00am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The Field

9:30am Festal Matins

10:30am Divine Liturgy  

Intention: Caprio and Carik Families

Potluck following Liturgy

1:00pm Mystagogia



24th - St. Tarasius, Archbishop of Constantinople, opposed the Iconoclasts, denounced the vices of the Byzantine Princes and their profligate courts. Known as the “Father of the poor,” he died A.D. 806 during the reign of Nicephorus, Emperor.

25th - First and Second Finding of the Venerable Head of St. John, the Precursor. The First Finding was by two monks in the home of Herod, King. They brought the Head to the city Emmesia. The Second Finding was much later, during the reign of Emperor Marcianus A. D. 431.

26th - Our holy father, Porphry, Bishop of Gaza, sold his goods and distributed the proceeds to the poor. He died A.D. 420 during the reign of Emperor Theodosius the Younger. St. Sebastian, one of the most renowned of the Roman Martyrs. He was an officer in the Imperial Army and a favorite of Emperor Diocletian. Becoming a Christian, no mercy was shown him. He was made a target for the archers, and thus died A.D. 288. St. Photina, of Samaria, Martyr. Tradition identifies her as the Samaritan woman with who Jesus spoke at the well.

27th - Our venerable father, Procopius, venerable confessor and monk of Decapolis, died about A.D. 740 during the reign of Emperor Leo III, the Isaurian. 

28th - Our venerable father, Basil, confessor and co-faster with St. Procopius. Famous for their resistance at Constantinople to the Decree of Leo III, the Isaurian, ordering the destruction of holy pictures. They died about 740. Marina, Cyra and Domnicia, Venerable-Women. 

1st - St. Eudoxia, Venerable-Martyr. At first she led a profligate life but was baptized by Theodotus, Bishop. Arrested, she was beheaded for her Christianity about A.D. 107 during the leadership of Diogenes, in the reign of Trajan, Emperor.

2nd - St. Thodotus, Priest-Martyr Bishop of Cyrene, on the Island of Cyprus was imprisoned, tortured for the Faith under Diocletian, Emperor. He survived and died peacefully A.D. 325.

3rd - St. Eutropius and his bodyguards. SS. Cleonicus and Basiliscus, Martyrs. They suffered martyrdom A.D. 296 in the reign of the Diocletian the Emperor. 


ALL SOULS SATURDAY – If you wish to submit any names you would like remembered at the All Souls Liturgies, please write their first names on the forms found in the back of the church and place on the south side alter.

PRESCANTIFIED LITURGIES are each Wednesday at 6:30pm and Friday at 4:30pm during the Great Fast.



CHURCH AND OFFICE HOURS - Hours are subject to change such as on a Feast day with Liturgy.

Monday through Wednesday 6:00am – 7:00am

Tuesday through Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 3:00pm – 6:30pm

Sunday 8:30am – 2:00pm

ByzanTEEN Rally 2024 - On January 20th, registration for the ByzanTEEN Rally opens. It will be at the University of San Diego from June 27-30. This dynamic gathering of the future of our Church will include 3 keynote speakers (Fr. Chris Zugger, Mother Iliana, and Trent Horn), prayer, social and sport activities, bringing Byzantine Catholic Teens across the country together to walk on the waters of faith in Christ. Stay tuned for more info!


FACEBOOK GROUP - If you are on Facebook, please join Fr. Nathan’s “Eastern Catholic Daily Catechesis Group”: The group features daily Bible Readings, the Saints of the Day, and a Daily Icon. The group also offers educational opportunities in the Eastern Tradition.


PHONE APPLICATION FOR DAILY PRAYER —for daily prayer services and more, download the application    ECPubs.  This is great for family prayer. 

YOU TUBE - Please check out and subscribe to our new Our Lady of Wisdom - YouTube.   


Glory to Jesus Christ!

Glory to Him Forever!