Our Lady of Wisdom Italo-Greek Byzantine Catholic Church

            Sunday Bulletin - MARCH 17, 2024


Saint mary of egypt


CONFESSION is offered before and after all Services (no confession around “Jesus Prayer”); Saturday at 3:30pm and after Liturgy, Sunday starting 10:00am and at 2:00pm. To set up an alternative time for Confession or spiritual direction, please email Fr. Nathan at fradams@ephx.org.


Saturday, March 16th

10:00am Divine Liturgy w/Panachida for Deceased

4:00pm Akathist*

5:00pm Divine Liturgy

Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast - Saint Mary of Egypt

Intention: Hastings and Hein Families

Sunday, March 17th

Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast - Saint Mary of Egypt

9:00am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The Field

9:30am Festal Matins

10:30am Divine Liturgy  

1:00pm Mystagogia

Intention: Kelso and Kong Families   

Potluck Following Liturgy

Monday, March 18th

6:00am   Jesus Prayer   

Tuesday, March 19th

6:00am    Jesus Prayer   

12:00pm 6th Hour

3:15pm  Vespers

Wednesday, March 20th

6:00am    Jesus Prayer   

11:30am 6th Hour

12:00am Helpers of St. Nicholas Homeless Ministry

6:30pm  Presanctified Liturgy

Intention: Kramer and Landon Families

Thursday, March 21st

3:15pm Vespers

Friday, March 22nd

12:00pm 6th Hour

4:30pm  Presanctified Liturgy

Intention: Larsen and Logan Families

Saturday, March 23rd

10:00am Temple Cleaning

3:45pm Kids Lazarus Story*

4:00pm Vespers

5:00pm Divine Liturgy Palm Sunday*

Intention: Milano and Miller Families

Sunday, March 24th Palm Sunday*

9:00am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The Field

9:30am Festal Matins

10:30am Divine Liturgy  

1:00pm Mystagogia

Intention: Long and Melancon Families

Potluck Following Liturgy

3:00pm Great Vespers: Annunciation of the Theotokos



16th - SS. Sabinus and Papas, Martyrs, Egyptians, were thrown into the River Nile A.D. 296 in the persecution under Diocletian. St. Julian, Martyr, died A.D. 298 in the reign of Maximian, Emperor. St. Alexander, Priest-Martyr, Pope of Rome, passed away about A.D. 119 under Hadrian, Emperor.

17th - Our venerable father, Alexis, man of God, was the only son of a Roman Senator; died A.D. 404. Pope Innocent I and the Emperor Honorius are said to have been present at his burial.

18th - Our holy father, Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem. His “Catechetical Instruction,” given to the Catechumens, on the elements of the Faith are among the most precious documents of Catholic teaching. He was named by Pope Leo XII among the Doctors of the Church. He died A.D. 386 in the reign of Theodosius, Emperor. SS. Alexandra, Claudia, Evphrasia and other Martyrs who suffered death in Missena A.D. 327 during the reign of Maximian, Emperor.

19th - SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs, came from the East to Rome, where they suffered death by being buried alive A.D. 283. Our venerable father, Thomas, Patriarch of Constantinople, died in peace during the reign of Phocas, Emperor A.D. 608. 

20th - Our venerable fathers, martyred in the Monastery of St. Sabbas.

21st - Our venerable father and confessor, Jacob of Catania, Bishop, died in the persecution of the Iconoclasts A.D. 765. 

22nd - St. Basil, Priest-martyr, Presbyter of the Church in Ancyra, was thrown to the wild beasts in the arena at Caesarea in Palestine A.D. 363 under Julian the Apostate. Venerable Isaak, Monk.

23rd - St. Niocon, Venerable-martyr and two hundred disciples fled the persecution in Palestine to a refuge in Sicily where they were put to death A.D. 250 under Decius, Emperor.

24th - Our venerable father, Zachary, and James, Confessor. Our holy father, Artemius, Bishop of Thessalonica, a Seuleucian by birth, he was elevated to the Bishopric by St. Paul the Apostle. St. Artemon, Martyr-presbyter of Laodicea, was burned to death A.D. 305 under Diocletian, Emperor.


ALL SOULS SATURDAY – If you wish to submit any names you would like remembered at the All Souls Liturgies, please write their first names on the forms found in the back of the church and place on the south side alter.

PRESANCTIFIED LITURGIES are each Wednesday at 6:30pm and Friday at 4:30pm during the Great Fast.



CHURCH AND OFFICE HOURS - Hours are subject to change such as on a Feast day with Liturgy.

Monday through Wednesday 6:00am – 7:00am

Tuesday through Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 3:00pm – 6:30pm

Sunday 8:30am – 2:00pm

EASTER BASKETS – Food donations are needed to fill Easter Baskets for those in need. Please place your non-perishable items in front of the St. Nicholas Icon.    

PRESANCTIFIED LITURGIES are each Wednesday at 6:30pm and Friday at 4:30pm during the Great Fast.

ROSE PETALS – Please bring rose petals for Holy Friday Vesper Burial Service.

MEMORIAL LILIES for the Holy Place may be brought to the church beginning Monday of Holy Week. Please place the name of the deceased you wish remembered on the bottom of the plant. 

EGG – Please be sure to bring a blue or red hardboiled egg for the Divine Liturgies on Holy Saturday and Pascha Sunday. 

EASTER EGG HUNT – There will be a huge Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday with lots of prizes!

EASTER BASKETS will be blessed after Holy Saturday Liturgy on March 30 and Pascha Liturgy on March 31.

POT LUCK – We will be having parish potluck on Holy Saturday after Liturgy. Please bring a dish to share and celebrate with your parish family.


ByzanTEEN Rally 2024 - On January 20th, registration for the ByzanTEEN Rally opens. It will be at the University of San Diego from June 27-30. This dynamic gathering of the future of our Church will include 3 keynote speakers (Fr. Chris Zugger, Mother Iliana, and Trent Horn), prayer, social and sport activities, bringing Byzantine Catholic Teens across the country together to walk on the waters of faith in Christ. Stay tuned for more info!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our parishioners who celebrate birthdays this week.  Donna Logan March 22.  God Grant You Many Happy Blessed Years!


FACEBOOK GROUP - If you are on Facebook, please join Fr. Nathan’s “Eastern Catholic Daily Catechesis Group”: The group features daily Bible Readings, the Saints of the Day, and a Daily Icon. The group also offers educational opportunities in the Eastern Tradition.


PHONE APPLICATION FOR DAILY PRAYER —for daily prayer services and more, download the application    ECPubs.  This is great for family prayer. 

YOU TUBE - Please check out and subscribe to our new Our Lady of Wisdom - YouTube.   


Glory to Jesus Christ!

Glory to Him Forever!