Our Lady of Wisdom Italo-Greek Byzantine Catholic Church

                      Sunday Bulletin - MAY 19, 2024



CONFESSION is offered before and after all Services (no confession around “Jesus Prayer”); Saturday at 3:30pm and after Liturgy, Sunday starting 10:00am and at 2:00pm. To set up an alternative time for Confession or spiritual direction, please email Fr. Nathan at fradams@ephx.org.


Saturday, May 18th

10:00am 5th All Souls Saturday

4:00pm Vespers

5:00pm Divine Liturgy Pentecost

Intention: Our Lady of Wisdom Parishioners

Sunday, May 19th Pentecost

8:30am Adult Education: Catechumenate

9:30am Festal Matins

10:30am Divine Liturgy 

Intention: Our Lady of Wisdom Parishioners

1:00pm Mystagogia: Divine Liturgy

Monday, May 20th

6:00am    Jesus Prayer  

11:00am Divine Liturgy   Pentecost Monday

Intention: Michael Spencer+

Tuesday, May 21st

6:00am   Jesus Prayer   

12:00pm 6th Hour

3:15pm Vespers

Wednesday, May 22nd

6:00am   Jesus Prayer   

11:00am Divine Liturgy

Intention: Our Lady of Wisdom Parishioners

12:00pm Helpers of St. Nicholas Homeless Ministry

3:15pm Vespers

Thursday, May 23rd

No services

Friday, May 24th

12:00pm 6th Hour

Saturday, May 25th

10:00am Temple Cleaning

4:00pm Festal Vespers

5:00pm Divine Liturgy Sunday of All Saints

Intention: Lisa Norris

Sunday, May 26th Sunday of All Saints

8:30am Adult Education

9:30am Resurrection Matins

10:30am Divine Liturgy

Intention: Margaret Lynott+

1:00pm Mystagogia: Divine Liturgy

            Oh Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner



18th - St. Theodotus of Ancyra in Galatia (Asia Minor), grain dealer by trade, seeking to recover the bodies of holy women martyrs from quicksand, was himself made to share the same fate n the reign of Diocletian. A.D. 304. SS. Petrus, Dennis, Andreas, Paul, Christina, Heracleus, Paulinus and Venedimus, Martyrs. SS. Seven Virgins; Alexandra, Thekusa, Claudia, Falina, Evphrasia, Matrona and Julia.

19th - St. Patrick, Bishop-Martyr of Prusa in Bithynia (Asia Minor) and his companions. After many tortures for Christ, he was put to the sword with Menander and Acatius A.D. 363 in the reign of Julian the Apostate, Emperor.

20th - St. Thaleleus, Martyr and others. At the sight of his constancy in Faith, Asterius and Alexander, his executioners, and other bystanders declared themselves Christians and all shared his fate A.D. 272 in the reign of the Emperor Aurelian.

21st - SS. Constantine the Great, King and Equal to the Apostles and Helen, his mother. Constantine reigned in ancient Rome and Byzantine (Constantinople) and became the first Christian Emperor, champion of the Faith and builder of many Christian edifices. He died A.D. 337. St. Helen, mother of this Great Emperor, discovered the true Cross of Jesus in Jerusalem.

22nd - SS. Basiliscus, Martyr, kinsman of Theodore of Tyrone, was a Christian soldier, crucified at Comona in Pontus (Asia Minor) A.D. 308 with two comrades in the persecution under Maximian Galerus, Emperor.

23rd - Our venerable father and confessor, Michael, Bishop of Synnada at Phrygia, was a disciple of St. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople. Because of his fearless opposition to the Iconoclast, Emperor Leo the Armenian, he was banished into Galatia and died about A.D. 820.

24th - The Third finding of the Venerable Head of St. John, the Glorious Prophet, Baptist and Precursor of our Lord, A.D. 867. At that time St. Ignatius was patriarch of Constantinople in the reign of Emperor Michael III.

25th - Our venerable father, Simeon of the Wonderful Mountain, Stylite, spent 45 years on a pillar, lived to the age 85, died A.D. 574. Venerable Nicetas the Stylite, Wonderworker.

26th - St. Carpus, Apostle, one of the 70 Apostles and considered by some Greek authors as Bishop of Berea, by others as Bishop of Berylus and by some as Bishop of Crete.



CHURCH AND OFFICE HOURS - Hours are subject to change such as on a Feast day with Liturgy.

Monday through Wednesday 6:00am – 7:00am

Tuesday through Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm

Saturday 3:00pm – 6:30pm

Sunday 8:30am – 2:00pm

2024 EPARCHIAL APPEAL - Each registered family is asked to participate and help us reach our financial goal of $18,505.00 and also our goal of 100% participation. Currently, with 20 families, we have raised $7,474.20 or 41.41%. There are pledge forms at the back of the church. Thank you!

ECF – Registration for next year’s ECF classes will be early this year. Parents of this year’s ECF students will receive a registration form to fill out. New students can pick up a registration form at the back of the church. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Albert

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our parishioners who celebrate birthdays this week.  Donna Miller May 21; Ronan QuickBear May 24.   God Grant You Many Happy Blessed Years!

PENTECOST SUNDAY – Lord Almighty, God of our Fathers, we thank you for dwelling within us through the Heavenly King, the Holy Spirit. We pray that your presence would animate your sons and daughters to answer when you call us to a life of service to your Church. Give your Church an abundant harvest of vocations, we pray you, hear and have mercy.      


CATECHESIS FOR THE CATECHUMENATE is held every Sunday at 8:30am. Our catechumens will be prepared for baptism through this one-year program. Anyone who wants to learn more or refresh their Byzantine faith is welcome to attend. For the class, download the Ascension app on your phone or computer. See the flyers at the back of the church for more information on the resources you will need.

MYSTAGOGIA: CATECHESIS FOR THE ENLIGHTENED Adult education continues through continual faith formation each Sunday at 1:00pm. Join us for advanced studies in our spiritual life, Liturgy, theology, patristics and more. For the classes, you can purchase The Divine Liturgy: A Commentary in the Light of the Fathers from our bookstore. 


FACEBOOK GROUP - If you are on Facebook, please join Fr. Nathan’s “Eastern Catholic Daily Catechesis Group”: The group features daily Bible Readings, the Saints of the Day, and a Daily Icon. The group also offers educational opportunities in the Eastern Tradition.


PHONE APPLICATION FOR DAILY PRAYER —for daily prayer services and more, download the application ECPubs.  This is great for family prayer. 

YOU TUBE - Please check out and subscribe to our new Our Lady of Wisdom - YouTube.   


Glory to Jesus Christ!

Glory to Him Forever!