Our Lady of Wisdom Italo-Greek Byzantine Catholic Church

             Sunday Bulletin - DECEMBER 3, 2023

25th sunday after pentecost


 CONFESSION is offered before and after all Services; Saturday at 3:30pm and after Liturgy, Sunday starting 10:00am and at 2:00pm. To set up an alternative time for Confession or spiritual direction, please email Fr. Nathan at  fradams@ephx.org.


Saturday, November 18th 

4:00pm   Great Vespers  25th Sunday After Pentecost

5:00pm   Divine Liturgy

Intention:  Doug and Shelley Spernak

18th - SS. Plato and Roman, Martyrs; the former suffered death A.D. 296; the latter A.D. 304.  


Sunday, November 19th  25th Sunday After Pentecost

9:30am    Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The Field

10:10am  3rd Hour 

10:30am   Divine Liturgy

Intention:  Our Lady of Wisdom Parishioners

Potluck following Liturgy   

1:00pm  Mystagogy Class

19th - St. Obadhia, Prophet, is of the Twelve Minor Prophets, having lived in the ninth century B.C. St. Barlam, Martyr, was a pious peasant who was imprisoned and tortured for the Faith at Antioch A.D. 304, in the persecution under Diocletian and Galerius, Emperors.  


Monday, November 20th

6:00am  Jesus Prayer  

6:00pm Festal Vespers Entrance of the Theotokos

7:00pm Divine Liturgy

Intention: Fr. Igor Kozhydlo+

20th - Our venerable father, Gregory of Decapolis, suffered much in the Iconoclastic persecution under the Emperor Leo the Armenian. Our holy father, Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople, was a disciple of St. John Chrysostom. He died A.D. 446 in the reign of Theodosius the Younger, Emperor.  


Tuesday, November 21st

6:00am    Jesus Prayer  

10:00am Festal Matins Entrance of the Theotokos

11:00am Divine Liturgy

Intention: Daria Drechsler+

21st - Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (This Feast was introduced in Constantinople about the year A.D. 700.)


Wednesday,  November 22nd

6:00am    Jesus Prayer   

22nd - SS. Philemon and Others with him. Apostles, were disciples of St. Paul the Apostle, suffered martyrdom A.D. 68 under the Emperor Nero. St. Cecilia, one of the most famous Virgin Martyrs; she converted to Christianity her betrothed and his brother. She was seized and suffocated with the steam of a heat bath in her own mansion. She died probably in the reign of Septimus Severus, Emperor.  


Thursday, November 23rd  

No Service

23rd - Our holy father, Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium and Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum. The former died about A.D. 400 the latter about A.D. 600.

Friday, November 24th

No Service

Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving


24th - St. Catherine, Great Virgin Martyr, after confessing the Christian Faith, was scourged for a long time with scorpions and suffered martyrdom by beheading A.D. 250 under the tyrant Maximin Daza, Emperor. St. Mercurius, Great Martyr, martyred A.D. 250 during the Reign of Decius Emperor.  

Saturday, November 25th

4:00pm  Great Vespers  26th Sunday After Pentecost

5:00pm  Divine Liturgy

Intention: Michael Spencer+


25th - Our holy father, Clement, Pope of Rome (third after St. Peter the Apostle), was cast into the Black Sea with an anchor around his neck probably A.D. 100 under Trajan, Emperor.  Our holy father, Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, put to death by the order of Emperor Maximin Daza, A.D. 311.    

Sunday, November 26th  26th Sunday After Pentecost

9:30am-10:00am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The Field

10:10am 3rd Hour 

10:30am  Divine Liturgy

Intention:  Our Lady of Wisdom Parishioners

Potluck following Liturgy   

1:00pm  Mystagogy Class

26th - Our venerable father, Alypius, Stylite, who remained on his lofty perch 53 years and attained the age of 118.  A.D. 608.  Dedication of the Church of St. George in Kiev.     



WEDDING  - Lou and Victoria Pombo will be married in the Church during Liturgy on Sunday, November 19, 2023.  God Grant Them Many Happy Blessed Years!

ENTRANCE OF THE THEOTOKOS Services are:  Monday, November 20, 6:00pm Festal Vespers and 7:00pm Divine Liturgy.  Tuesday, November 21, 10:00am Festal Matins and 11:00am Divine Liturgy.   


THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS – We will be distributing Thanksgiving food baskets for those in need.  Please bring your nonperishable food items to be donated and place in front of the St. Nicholas icon.  If you know of a family in need, please see Karen St. George or Fr. Nathan.     

THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS – We will be distributing Thanksgiving food baskets for those in need. Please bring your nonperishable food items to be donated and place in front of the St. Nicholas icon. If you know of a family in need, please see Karen St. George or Fr. Nathan.


  • BREAKFAST WITH ST. NICHOLAS will be on Sunday, December 10, 2023, following Liturgy. Breakfast $15.00 and children over 5 years old $3.00
  • SOCK DONATIONS FOR THE POOR – Please donate new socks for our Socks for the Poor St. Nicholas Ministry
  • CANDY - Candy is needed for the St. Nicholas Celebration. Please consider donating a bag or two!
  • VOLUNTEERS – Many volunteers are needed for all the arrangements. Contact Dani Arnot at 702-499-5334.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our parishioners who celebrate birthdays this week: Clo Dunson, November 21. God Grant You Many Happy Blessed Years! 


FACEBOOK GROUP - If you are on Facebook, please join Fr. Nathan’s “Eastern Catholic Daily Catechesis Group”: The group features daily Bible Readings, the Saints of the Day, and a Daily Icon. The group also offers educational opportunities in the Eastern Tradition.


PHONE APPLICATION FOR DAILY PRAYER —for daily prayer services and more, download the application    ECPubs.  This is great for family prayer. 

YOU TUBE  - Please check out and subscribe to our new Our Lady of Wisdom - YouTube.


Glory to Jesus Christ