Our Lady of Wisdom Italo-Greek Byzantine Catholic Church

Sunday Bulletin


August 20, 2023


Confession is offered 20 minutes before and after all services. To set up an appointment for confession or spiritual direction please email Fr. Nathan at fradams@ephx.org


Saturday, August 19th

5:00pm Vesperal-Liturgy 12th Sunday after Pentecost

Intention: Dmytro Drechsler+

Saint of the day: 19th - St. Andrew, a Tribune in the Greek army and with his

2,593 soldiers. Martyrs, who were massacred for the Faith on

Mt. Taurus in Silicia A.D. 300, in the reign of Maximian,


Sunday, June 25th 4th Sunday After Pentecost

9:30am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’ The

Field: Part 2: The 8 Chief Passions

10:10am 3rd Hour

10:30am Divine Liturgy

Intention: Parishioners of Our Lady of Wisdom

Potluck following Liturgy

1:00pm Catechetical Mystagogy

Saint of the day: 25th - St. Febronia, Venerable-Martyr, a young nun in

her 20th year was a victim of the persecution under

Diocletian Emperor, A.D. 304, at Sybapolia in Syria.

Monday, June 26th

6:00am Jesus Prayer

Saint of the day: 26th - Our Venerable Father, David, Hermit, was native

of Mesopotamia, settled in a solitary place near

Thessalonica, where he served God for 70 years. He

lived in about the fifth century.

Tuesday, June 27th

6:00am Jesus Prayer

4:00pm Vespers

Saint of the day: 27th - Our Venerable Father, Sampson, “Father of the

Poor,” lived in the time of the Emperor Justinian. He

insisted that, along with the magnificent Cathedral of

Holy Wisdom, there should be built a great hospital

worthy of its position and of the Imperial prestige.

Wednesday, June 28th

6:00am Jesus Prayer

11:00am Divine Liturgy

Intention: Michael Spencer+

12:00pm Helpers of St. Nicholas Homeless Ministry

5:30pm Women’s Bible Study: Prioritizing Life

7:00pm Vesper Liturgy Peter and Paul

Intention: Parishioners of Our Lady of Wisdom

Saint of the day: 28th - Translation of the Relics of SS. Cyrus and John,

Wonderworkers and Unmercenary Physicians. Other

Feast day is on the 31st of January.

Thursday, June 29th

7:00am Matins

8:00am Divine Liturgy Peter and Paul

Intention: Parishioners of Our Lady of Wisdom

Saint of the day: 29th - Feast of SS. Peter and Paul, Prime Apostles. They

suffered at Rome under the Emperor Nero, probably

A.D. 67.

Friday, June 30th

No service

Saint of the day: 30th - Synaxis of the Holy and Most Praiseworthy

Twelve Apostles.

Saturday, July 1st

5:00pm Vesperal-Liturgy 5th Sunday After Pentecost

Intention: Parishioners of Our Lady of Wisdom

Saint of the day: 1st - SS. Cosmas and Damian, Wonderworkers,

Unmercenary Physicians, Martyrs. They were twins.

Arabs by birth and lived in Cilicia. They are highly

esteemed in the Eastern church.

Sunday, July 2nd 5th Sunday After Pentecost

9:30am Adult Education: Ignatius Brianchaninovs’

The Field: Part 3: On the Virtues Against the 8 passions

10:10am 3rd Hour

10:30am Divine Liturgy

Intention: Parishioners of Our Lady of Wisdom

Potluck following Liturgy

1:00pm Catechetical Mystagogy

Saint of the day: 2nd - Deposition of the Venerable Robe of the Mother

of God, in the church of Blachernae at Constantinople

in the reign of the Emperor Leo and his consort Irene.

Our Holy Father, Juvenal, who, after St. Cyril, was the

third Patriarch of Jerusalem, died A.D. 454, during the

reign of Marcian and Pulcheria, Emperors.


(Please submit names to bill@lvac.com )

Please remember the following people in your prayers: Names coming soon.


Cleaning of the Temple Volunteers are needed to assist with our monthly cleaning of the church on Saturday, August 26th at


Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Mount Carmel Devotions are July 8th through July 16th with devotions, teaching, and Liturgy daily. Please try to attend the Devotions. Information and the schedule are in each parishioner’s mailbox and also in the back of the church. A celebration dinner will be after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 16.

Woman's Bible Study, “Ordering Your Priorities: Building a Life Well Lived” is held each Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall. Books may be purchased for $20.00 at class. 

2023 Eparchial Appeal - This year, our parish goal is $26,259.92. Please submit your pledge as soon as possible and help us to reach not only our financial goal, but also our goal of 100% participation. Thank you to the 21 families who have already completed their pledges for a total of $9,490.00. May we continue to be blessed with your generous support!

Facebook Group - If you are on Facebook, please join Fr. Nathan’s “Eastern Catholic Daily Catechesis Group”: The group features daily Bible Readings, the Saints of the Day, and a Daily Icon. The group also offers educational opportunities in the Eastern Tradition.

St. Anthony Coptic Monastery – Fr. Nathan is arranging a retreat to the St. Antony Coptic Monastery in Newberry Springs, California leaving after liturgy Sunday, September 3rd and returning Tuesday, September 5th . If you are interested, please sign the sheet at the back of the church. More details will be provided soon.

Liturgy Intentions – If you would like to have a Liturgy said for someone, please fill out the LITURGY INTENTION envelope which is in the back of the church and place it in the collection basket. Liturgies with a Panachida are preferably done on Wednesdays. However, talk with Fr. Nathan if it is needed during the weekend Liturgies.

Happy Birthday to our parishioners who celebrate birthdays this week: Karen St. George, June 29. God Grant You Many Happy Blessed Years!